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5 Easy Steps to Accomplish Any Goal

Ever struggle to achieve your goals?

Here are 5 Easy Steps to Accomplishing Any Goal.

1. Establish a definite date – Set your goals in reverse (reverse engineering). Pick a date of completion and work backward. Example – set a goal for the end of the month and then set short term goals for each day through to the end of the month. This way you are setting short and long-term goals and each day as you accomplish your short-term goals you move one step closer to accomplishing your long-term goal.

2. Keep a calendar – Take the goal you set for the end of the month and write that goal on the last day of the month. Then write down the short-term goals for each day through the end of the month.

3. One at a time – Don’t try to cram everything into one day. Remember this is about reaching your in a certain time. If you are too ambitious and try to do too much in one day you’ll burn yourself out or just tell yourself it is all too hard, a waste of time etc. Instead, focus on one or two things every day and then cross it off. Mark an ‘X’ on the calendar on the days you complete the scheduled tasks.

4. Set a time limit – Aim for one to two hours per day. By limiting the time, you are spending and focusing on one or two tasks every day, you’ll build momentum and increase your success rate.

5. Stick with it – Stick with your schedule. Switching things up too often can get in the way of your success.

With a written plan, you’ll make accomplishing your goals easier. At the end of the month when you see more ‘X’s than empty squares, you’ll feel more accomplished. By implementing these 5 Easy Steps to Accomplishing Any Goal, you’ll find yourself making progress, building self-confidence and reaching and accomplishing your long-term goals.

What would that be like?

About David Lawson

Finding the Light is a locally owned and operated counselling and life coaching business based in Bundaberg. We seek to empower our clients to find their way forward to a better life by using the approaches of counselling or coaching. If this blog article has raised more questions please contact us by email or call us on 0407 585 497 to arrange a time for us to discuss the article. Mention this blog and we will give you a FREE 30 minute session to discuss.

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