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5 Special Ways to Show Love to Your Partner

There are many ways to express love to your partner other than quoting the words “I Love You.” Usually, the fire in relationships dies down after a while and the feeling of your heart pounding with the excitement of being with your significant other is not felt nearly as often, or even at all. So, how do we get back that love, passion and warm feeling that wraps around us and penetrates our thoughts in the beginning of a relationship? Many say actions speak louder than words so below I have listed 5 ways to help you show your partner how much you truly love them:

Flirt- This is a light-hearted seduction with the intent of conveying love! Why not send a sexy text message or email while you are at work? This reminds the other person that you are thinking about him or her. It also increases the intensity of love so that you look forward to seeing each other when you return home from work.

Chore- Is there a job inside or outside that has needed doing for weeks or months and is something that your partner would like done? Why not get in and do it and show them they are important to you or do one of their jobs for them so you they have some extra time to hang out with you.

Food- It is said that “the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.” Show your love by setting up a surprise dinner for two. Or go out to eat. It does not need to be fancy, but the effort will show how much you care.

Love Letters- Why not leave a love note for your loved one? This can be posted in the bathroom or kitchen before you leave to work. You could also leave a nice love poem under the pillow so that your partner finds this at night before bedtime or first thing in the morning. Or send a handwritten love letter to their work address.

Get Away- There can be a lot of distractions in your relationship such as work or children. There are many short vacations available for the weekend or just for a day. You may arrange a trip to the Health Spa or a Hotel so that you are in a different environment than usual where you can both relax and concentrate on each other.

Using the five ways above to show your significant other just how much you truly love them and will help to spice up your love life, strengthen your relationship, and bring happiness into your lives.

About David Lawson

Finding the Light is a locally owned and operated counselling and life coaching business based in Bundaberg. We seek to empower our clients to find their way forward to a better life by using the approaches of counselling or coaching. If this blog article has raised more questions please contact us by email or call us on 0407 585 497 to arrange a time for us to discuss the article. Mention this blog and we will give you a FREE 30 minute session to discuss.

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