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About David Lawson

David Lawson

David Lawson
Counsellor & Life Coach

David Lawson—Bundaberg Counsellor and Life Coach

I’ve worked as a Counsellor in Bundaberg, Queensland for 25 years.

I have the highest level of membership with the two peak bodies for counselling in Australia—Psychotherapy & Counselling Federation of Australia (PACFA) and Australian Counselling Association (ACA).

I’m also accredited to provide professional supervision to their members.

I also have Professional Certified Coach (PCC) membership with the world’s largest coaching association—International Coaching Federation.

Finding The Light started in 2011 to offer an alternative approach to counselling by being client-focused and trauma-informed, with a recovery focus. I achieve this by:

  • Returning phone calls.
  • Replying to emails.
  • Offering out-of-hours appointments.
  • If requested, incorporating a client’s spiritual values.
  • Being alert for and responsive to a client’s trauma.
  • Having a supportive inclusive approach that avoids re-traumatisation.
  • Empowering the client to make their own decisions.
  • Respecting the values, beliefs and culture of each client.
  • Believing a person can overcome the hurts and pain of their life—not by surviving, but thriving.

I invite you to call me on 0407 585 497 to see how together we can help you reach Happiness through Healthy Relationships!

More Information:

We do Skype Appointments

Is distance a problem? If you live in another city, state, or country (yes, we do have overseas clients), we offer appointments via Skype or phone.


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