The Impact of Bad Habits on Your Family
Your bad habits can adversely affect you and your entire family. This is especially true when you have kids. Kids can learn bad habits from their parents. If you’re a parent or you influence kids, you should eliminate your bad habits by replacing them with good...
Tips For Keeping Your Marriage Happy and Healthy
Keeping a marriage happy can be difficult if a couple approaches it from an unrealistic position. If you think you will never have a cross word or get fed up with each other, then you're setting yourself up for a huge fall! What should be done, and many couples fail...
Before You Start an Affair
When a relationship hits the rocks, one of the easiest situations to find yourself in is having an affair! Relationships with people outside your relationship can often be more appealing than staying faithful. Affairs are new, exciting and a reminder that we are still...
Make Your Relationship Happen
Setting goals does not just apply to your career, your finances, or your fitness. Goals apply to every aspect of your life and that includes your relationship. What’s Holding You Back? The first thing to do when trying to change the way you’re approaching your love...
8 Benefits of Finding Clarity
It’s easy to feel overwhelmed and confused by the never-ending stream of activities, choices, and decisions you need to navigate every day. Sometimes the best course of action is to slow down and quiet your thoughts so you can hear that inner voice that guides you...
Overcoming Adversity
Here are five suggestions that might help you to overcome adversities and develop an attitude of optimism and hope to gently move forward each day: 1. The one thing you can count on is you. The one thing you can count on is you. I know that might sound cliche, but...
Getting Social Confidence
We all have varying levels of confidence. Most people are more confident in attempting something they've done before than when they're trying something new. That's natural. Your confidence can go up and down depending on so many different factors. In social settings,...
The Pitfalls of Chasing Success
Success is often seen as the ultimate goal in life. Many people spend their entire lives striving for it. However, this pursuit can include some negative consequences. It might not actually be the key to our happiness. Here are 9 reasons why you should reconsider your...
7 Steps to Achievable Goals
How many times have you heard that being successful is all down to setting goals? It may come as no surprise to you to learn there is a lot more to success than just setting your goals. In this article, I show you why many people fail to achieve their goals and how to...
Social Media and Your Relationship
Social media can make it hard for couples to be positive about their relationship. Everywhere you look online there is another celebrity couple breaking up or someone being cheated on. Sometimes after scrolling through your news feed, you might find yourself thinking,...