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Stop Waiting on Your Life

This week I was sitting on the phone on hold to a large company, waiting waiting, I thought of things I could have done while I sat there -- waiting -- not living my life. Are you “on hold” in your life? It seems to me that we all seem to waste or use up a lot of time...

Tips For Fixing a Broken Relationship

If you are in a relationship that has never had a problem of any kind, then congratulations. However, for most of us relationships have their highs and lows. With that in mind, here are some things you can do to make things better. 1. Wait - You need to give yourself...

5 Tips to Manage Anxiety

Check your self-talk When we are upset and anxious we sometimes say negative things to ourselves. Unhelpful self-talk might include things like, “I’m hopeless”, “I’m going to be terrible at this” or “I’ll never get this done”. Negative self-talk gets us down, can...

Relationship Tips

We deal with different relationships every day, from partner relationships to family and friends’ relationships, to professional or coworker relationships and to simple dealings and connections with people that surround our daily life.  Relationships, whether good or...

5 Easy Steps to Accomplish Any Goal

Ever struggle to achieve your goals? Here are 5 Easy Steps to Accomplishing Any Goal. 1. Establish a definite date – Set your goals in reverse (reverse engineering). Pick a date of completion and work backward. Example - set a goal for the end of the month and then...

We do Skype Appointments

Is distance a problem? If you live in another city, state, or country (yes, we do have overseas clients), we offer appointments via Skype or phone.


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