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Being More Optimistic

Why do people like to be negative? It may not be that they like it. The fact is, it’s sometimes easier to let yourself fall into the negativity trap. The trouble is it doesn’t get you anywhere, and people end up trying to avoid you as much as possible. By keeping optimistic every day, you can overcome this situation which means you’ll live a better life. One great way to combat negativity is to be grateful. Daily, think about what you are... read more

Six Traits of a Good Role Model

Good role models have a positive effect on the people around them. They’re respected and those around them will be inspired to do their best. Their reputation and personal brand are strong. Good role models typically exhibit the following personality traits or qualities: 1. Self-Awareness Self-awareness is the ability to reflect honestly and productively on your behaviour, and on the impact that you have on others. 2. Positivity A... read more

5 Barriers to Critical Thinking

Critical thinking is essential to use our experience, background, common sense and other attributes to become more aware of how our efforts for success are being spent. When you have barriers to the critical thinking process, it can seriously harm your ability to move forward. When you’re aware of these barriers, you can overcome them and focus your thinking on what’s going to move you forward rather than getting stuck behind a barrier – unable... read more

You Can Improve Your Relationships

Is it pure luck why some relationships last longer or are better than others? Do some people just sit back and let their partner do all the work and complain when things don’t go their way? Whatever your view of relationships – they take work to make them work. Unless both people in a relationship want it to work then it won’t! Here are some tried and true tips to help you have happy relationships. 1. REMEMBER: Take time to look back and... read more

Not Finishing What You Started Can Hurt You

Do you pass the hallway of unfinished projects when you enter your house? Or maybe all the projects you leave unfinished are stuffed into a closet where none of your guests can judge you over them. The point is, some of us tend to leave a lot of the things we start unfinished, and whether we realise it or not, this habit could be hurting us in several ways. It May Make You Anxious If you find yourself constantly feeling anxious, it could be... read more

What Goals Are and What They Are Not

A goal is an end result or objective you want or need to accomplish. Goals, which can be both long and short-term, provide direction and motivation to help you achieve a desired outcome. To help you understand this concept more, let’s go over what goals are and what they are not. Goals Are the Things You Want To and/or Need to Achieve Goals are specific, measurable, and time-sensitive objectives designed to help you measure progress and stay on... read more

We do Skype Appointments

Is distance a problem? If you live in another city, state, or country (yes, we do have overseas clients), we offer appointments via Skype or phone.


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