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Where Are You Going in Life?

What do you want to achieve? Before you decide what, you want to achieve with your life. Review where you are going, are you clear about this? Take time out to think about and write down your goals for your life? Write it down Research shows that only 3% of people write down their goals, and on average these people earn 10 times those who don’t have goals. Plus, research shows that people with up-to-date written goals are as much as 3100% more... read more

Feeling Empty

That feeling of emptiness. It’s right there in your chest, yet you’re unsure how it came about. Is it sadness? Depression? Boredom? It may be a bit of each. Feeling this way is not uncommon. You might call it “feeling empty,” while someone else might call it something different. What matters is that it’s real, valid. Although overwhelming, it can be managed. Uncovering what’s lying underneath this emptiness feeling is not always... read more

Increasing your Resiliency

Resiliency can be looked as being a trait, a process, a set of behaviours or a combination of all three. A person is resilient when they can bounce back after an adverse event affects them. Below are six goal-directed resiliency strategies: 1. Pushing past Fears There is an old saying that talks about how it is okay to be scared but to not let it stop us. Those who are resilient are looking past their fears and focusing on their personal goals.... read more

3 Actionable Steps for Change

Thinking about making a change but not sure where to start? Perhaps you are in the process but not sure if you are heading in the right direction. Some of us set out to make a change but get distracted by all the external stuff, like a new job or a new location or new friends or a new romantic prospect and so on. The reality is that changing your life starts with changing the way you see everything in your life. I offer you three actionable... read more

Changing When Change is Hard

Change is a part of our lives. How we deal with change is often a determining factor in how happy and successful we are. Sometimes we get lucky, and change is gradual or even easy. Other times, change is hard, overwhelming, or downright scary. This kind of change will have a serious impact on our lives when we embrace it. How do we do that, though? Follow these nine tips to find out how. 1. Make Change Normal It would help if you changed your... read more

5 Steps to Communicate Your Feelings in Relationships

In relationships, there’s communication, and then there’s effective communication. Communication is something that takes a lot of work, and once you’ve successfully positioned yourself as a communicator, the next step is to crack the code at being an effective communicator. If you’re at that step, try these 5 mini steps to help you along with effectively communicating your feelings. 1. Allow Yourself to Feel Going into a conversation with guilt... read more

We do Skype Appointments

Is distance a problem? If you live in another city, state, or country (yes, we do have overseas clients), we offer appointments via Skype or phone.


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