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Eight Steps to Achieve Any Goal

Have trouble achieving your goals? Try these 8 steps to making them happen! Know exactly what you want This may sound obvious but unless you know exactly what you want, how can you achieve it? The more details, numbers, dates you can plan the better. You need a very clear focus of what you do want to achieve it. Write down your goals This is one technique that sorts out the people who succeed and the people who fail. According to research you... read more

Don’t Just Say You’re Sorry, Show You’re Sorry

The words, “I’m sorry” can get us out of trouble when we have done something wrong or hurt someone, we care about but the key to a good apology is really meaning it and convincing the other person that you are truly remorseful. Apologising just for the sake of keeping the peace is not an effective way to apologise. In doing so the recipient of the apology will most likely see through you and realise that your apology is insincere. A sincere and... read more

What’s In Your Coping Toolbox?

Life consistently presents us with challenges and changes and at times this can lead to us feeling stressed. Planning how to manage and cope in various life situations and finding out which coping skills work best for you, is the key to succeeding with stress rather than experiencing distress. Here are some ideas for coping with stress: Understand more about stress – this involves recognising your sources of stress and how stress affects you... read more

7 Ways To Improve Your Relationship

Good relationships do not just happen, they require work from both ends and here are 7 ways to improve your relationship. Take Responsibility for Yourself – This is the most important choice you can make to improve your relationship. This means that you learn how to take responsibility for your own feelings and needs. This means that instead of trying to get your partner to make you feel happy and secure, you learn how to do this for... read more

We do Skype Appointments

Is distance a problem? If you live in another city, state, or country (yes, we do have overseas clients), we offer appointments via Skype or phone.


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