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4 Signs You Are Your Own Worst Enemy

Why is it you’re not getting ahead? Are you having difficulty in finding opportunities, or could it be you’re not taking the opportunities when they come to you? Crazy as it sounds, the most common reason people don’t succeed is that they’re engaging in self-defeating behaviours. If you’re not performing at the level, you think you ought to be; you might want to consider whether or not you’ve become your own... read more

The 7 Stages of Grief

Grief is a messy heart-wrenching time. It’s like the guest who overstays their welcome for months on end. It is also a robber of joy and peace-of-mind. Just when it seems grief is moving out, it suddenly decides to stick around. Understanding grief is so important because any time there is infidelity, there is also the cessation of the relationship you once knew. Often, being betrayed is experienced as traumatic and to grieve this loss of your... read more

Staying after Being Cheated On

Someone asked me the other day why the person who has been cheated on stays in the relationship. There are many reasons someone will stay and here are ten reasons. Momentum – they have been in the relationship for a while, maybe a few kids and they don’t want to be a single parent or start a new relationship or go through property settlement. Want a two parent home – maintaining two houses is expensive and is disruptive for the kids, so the... read more

5 Steps to Embrace Your Loneliness

Loneliness is something most people try to avoid. But being alone is an inevitable part of life. It happens to everyone at some time or another. It is important to be able to separate solitude from loneliness and to understand what is behind your feelings so you can embrace being alone. 1. Work Out the Root Cause of Your Fear of Loneliness Some scientists believe loneliness is a basic emotion on a par with fear and anger. Being part of a group... read more

Reach More Goals with An Accountability Partner

You’re not where you want to be in your business or your life. You have goals, but you’re only inching toward them. It feels like every step is a struggle and you’re just not seeing the results you want. You don’t feel motivated. You feel stuck and helpless to change. You’re not alone in this feeling. Many people experience feelings of being stuck with their goals. You probably started out with plenty of energy but within a few days or a few... read more

Five Tips to Design Your Legacy

Recently I did a critical incident debrief where a customer in a shop became aggressive to the point staff were injured and one person may not work again because of their injuries. As I drove home, it got me thinking about how quickly our lives can change and often it is out of our control. Given none of us know when we might pass away – what sort of a legacy will I leave behind. By definition, a legacy is something that comes down to someone... read more

We do Skype Appointments

Is distance a problem? If you live in another city, state, or country (yes, we do have overseas clients), we offer appointments via Skype or phone.


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