Relationships are difficult to sustain. Very few relationships sustain for long with both partners totally happy. Most people carry through a relationship without any joy.
We all start our new relationships with hopes, dreams, and wonderful aspirations. But oftentimes, we see couples, or in our own relationships, where things turn sour.
What can be done to keep a relationship strong and joyous?
These are some of the common mistakes I see:
- Not making your relationship a priority – you find the time to for everything else in your life except for your partner.
- Not helping each other out inside and outside of the house.
- Thinking everything in the relationship is for you and making you happy.
- Storming out of an argument without an agreement to at least come back later to talk about it when you are both calm.
- Not listening to your partner when they are talking, even if what they are talking about is boring.
- Constantly putting down your partners family.
- Not understanding intimacy is different for men and woman.
- Not knowing how to communicate affection and appreciation to your partner in a way that they like – often it will not be how you like.
Anyone of these can cause problems in a relationship.
Which ones do you need to work on?