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I Say, “Positive Thinking Is Hogwash!”

“Positive thinking” is Over-rated. And Even Dangerous! Excessive positivity is just as dangerous as excessive negativity. The negative person, head down to the ground, stumbles along the train tracks moaning, “I have such bad luck, I’ll probably get knocked over by a train.” And gets knocked over by a train. Meanwhile the positive person with their head in the clouds, skips along the tracks with so much positivity that they... read more

Overcoming a Crisis

When you are hit by a crisis, there is usually an emotional storm going through your mind and body, with negative thoughts and feelings going in all directions. One way to overcome this is: S.T.O.P. Slow your breathing Focus on your breathing by slowing down your breaths going in and going out. This will help you to calm down and reduce the influence of your emotions. Take note Take notice of what you are thinking and feeling. Do not buy into... read more


The way we attached to our caregivers as children affects the way we connect with others and can lead to poor adult relationships. DISMISSIVE AVOIDANT ATTACHMENT The dismissive avoidant was emotionally neglected by their caregivers during their childhood and learned that they must rely solely on themselves. Therefore, they can be withdrawn and easily get overwhelmed in relationships. FEARFUL AVOIDANT ATTACHMENT Someone who is fearful avoidant... read more

6 Simple Tricks for Dealing with Pressure

If you aren’t careful, pressure can sneak up and overwhelm you. Before you know it, you’re a mess. Sitting in your chair, sweating, heart racing, and dreading the thought of doing any work. Fortunately there are some tricks to dealing with pressure. With a little practice, you can turn nerve-wracking stress into pure motivation. Count Backwards It sounds simple, but counting backwards from 100 is a great way to distract yourself... read more


Overwhelm is struggling to cope or deal with where you find yourself in your current situation. Feeling swamped, overloaded, defeated, and buried are some ways people describe what it is like when they are overwhelmed. Overwhelm has several parts to it including: 1. High expectations of yourself. 2. Agreeing to do too much. 3. Being critical of yourself. 4. Trying to be perfect. 5. Must do everything yourself. They can be summarised by –... read more

Your Health Affects Your Wealth

You know how important it is to make the workplace mentally healthy for employees. But have you considered how important YOUR mental health is? Not only for yourself, but for your business. According to Patrice O’Brien (head of workplace engagement at beyondblue), about 60% of small business owners are sole operators which means a lot of people are working on their own. Working in a microbusiness with only a few staff may bring feelings of... read more

We do Skype Appointments

Is distance a problem? If you live in another city, state, or country (yes, we do have overseas clients), we offer appointments via Skype or phone.


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