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Dealing With Toxic People

Today I want to give you some ways to deal with the toxic people in your life. Don’t wait for an apology – it will never come (if you do get an apology, they are softening you up to abuse you). Understand that it’s okay to walk away – unless you do, you will just keep getting bruised. Focus on healthy relationships instead – hang around people who do not use or abuse you but make you feel worthy. Phase out contact – slowly but surely move away... read more

Toxic People

Most of us have someone in their life who drain us no matter what we are doing. They are manipulative and give you the run around no matter how hard you try to do thing things their way. Some common traits of a toxic person: They thrive on drama and chaos, which gets them sympathy and attention. They need to be the centre of attention. They cannot tell the truth. They are always right. They rarely say anything nice about others. They are... read more

How the Brain Responds to a Crisis

Our brain uses our five senses of sight, smell, sound, taste and touch to evaluate what is going on around us. If the information being gathered is interpreted as we are safe, then the brain allows us to continue to do what we are doing. If the brain determines things are not safe, then it overrides whatever we are doing to keep us safe. It does this as it has a role to protect us and keep us safe. It chooses four ways to protect us: Fight... read more

Self Confidence: Start Building Yours Today!

Having a lack of self-confidence or a low confidence can often affect all areas of your life. It can affect you while out with friends, while giving a presentation and while meeting new people, to name but a few. Confidence issues can happen for many different reasons and over time they become so commonplace that we just expect them to happen. If you are dealing with confidence issues at the moment, you will understand just how it can affect... read more

2 Keys to Boosting Your Inner Confidence

I’ve been in the people helping industry for over 21 years and the biggest thing I’ve learnt – is that inner confidence has a big part to play. There are all kinds of strategies, ways of thinking, patterns of behaviour and practical tips for improving your life and feeling better about yourself, but they’re all redundant if the foundation isn’t there. That foundation is the real you, the you that you know deep down... read more

The Drama Triangle Part 1

At times our life seems to be full of drama. The way we respond or react to the drama around us has been called the Drama Triangle by Stephen Karpman. The three roles on the drama triangle are Persecutor, Rescuer and Victim. Victim – “Poor me.” Victims often feel victimised, trapped, helpless and hopeless. They think they are at the mercy of life. They are unwilling to take responsibility for their circumstances and cannot see they have the... read more

We do Skype Appointments

Is distance a problem? If you live in another city, state, or country (yes, we do have overseas clients), we offer appointments via Skype or phone.


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