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Impostor Syndrome

According to an article in The Journal of Behavioral Science about 70% of us experience impostor syndrome at some point in life, the feeling that you have only got where you are due to luck; not because you are competent or are good at what you do.

Impostor syndrome can happen at any time in your life. Remember to tell yourself that your life/career did not come about by chance, where you are now and where you aim to be is justified. Know you have worth, and it is not by pure luck that you are where you are in life or your job.

Even though so many people experience impostor syndrome, the good news is that it’s not a permanent condition but rather a reaction to a set of circumstances, unrealistic self-expectation, and stress. Here are some tips to beat impostor syndrome:

Accept praise and know your worth
Don’t shy away from praise and compliments. Recognise and accept your achievements by writing them down. When you try to talk yourself out of feeling confident in your role, all the proof is on paper. Knowing your worth means allowing your work or life to speak for itself and letting others see it too.

Stop thinking like an impostor
Learn to recognise self-defeating thought patterns and replace them with more positive affirmations. The only way to stop feeling like an imposter is to stop thinking of yourself as one.

Don’t seek perfection
Stop believing that if you don’t excel at every facet of your job or life that you’re a failure at all of it. Facing challenges and losses is a key part of growth, so recognise that you don’t have to be good at everything.

Know you are not alone
Impostor syndrome tends to be the domain of overachievers, while underachievers tend to internalise less when faced with failure. If you’re constantly worried about not being good enough, chances are you’re in good company – most successful people constantly over analyse themselves.

SO – how healthy is your Imposter Syndrome?

About David Lawson

Finding the Light is a locally owned and operated counselling and life coaching business based in Bundaberg. We seek to empower our clients to find their way forward to a better life by using the approaches of counselling or coaching. If this blog article has raised more questions please contact us by email or call us on 0407 585 497 to arrange a time for us to discuss the article. Mention this blog and we will give you a FREE 30 minute session to discuss.

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