It seems to me that there are a lot of unhappy relationships. Couples endure an unhappy relationship for several reasons, like we have children, or they don’t want to add another broken relationship onto the list.
Relationships rarely die an immediate death. It’s like the guy in a movie who’s shot several times but refuses to die. He stumbles and falls half a dozen times and just when you think he’s fallen for the last time, he gets up again and reaches out for help.
Sometimes, this describes an unhappy relationship where each person stumbles and falls back but manage to hang on for one reason or another refusing to give up.
If breaking up is the decision you make, the sooner you deal with it the better you’ll become more emotionally stable and able to cope with the situation. Breakups can be devastating on the entire family, especially if you let them linger before reaching an amiable breakup.
There are signs of trouble in relationship and they’re easier to resolve if you spot them early on. Small problems turn into big ones if you let your emotions get out of control. You may have seen some of these signs of trouble before the relationship but didn’t view them as problems. Why? Either you were not looking for them or did not want to admit things are not great.
You may have got into this relationship despite your better judgment and hoped your partner would change or thought you could work your magic charm and change your partner. This rarely happens. So, what are some of the signs of a troubled relationship?
1. You no longer have fun with each other. No matter what you do, you wish you had stayed at home and both of you are miserable.
2. Compliments are rare or non-existent. Neither of you say anything nice about the other. On the contrary, criticisms are on the increase. You can’t do anything right and become afraid to do anything and withdraw.
3. You’re happier when your spouse is gone. The only time you can relax is when he or she is not at home, and you can enjoy being yourself.
4. Neatness could be a problem if the other is a slob or a person who clutters and never puts anything away. One is always picking up behind the other.
5. One tries to save and the other spends money frivolously. This can be a major problem if bills go unpaid.
6. A lack of intimacy or sexual activity is a classic example of a lack of love in a relationship. It could also indicate that one or both of you are involved in an affair.
7. You on longer can agree on future goals and refuse to discuss anything beyond tomorrow.
Either accept these qualities in your partner or seek professional help.
The sooner you seek help the better.
As soon as you see these signs resolve to take action.